Thursday, November 1, 2007

The floor is made of lava!!!

We did performance art! I performed with Hernan doing Amanda's piece which was pretty cool. We each drew a line to connect to a picture, but at first it wasn't really anything, just lines. I found myself concentrating on doing swirly lines when he did straight lines, and trying to make the picture reach to other areas of the paper. After awhile we noticed we were kind of making a cube, and we started to build a church. We were able to share the same thoughts of the continuation of the image without verbally communicating with eachother.

Also, my piece:

was performed by Bart and Laura. I did the whole 'the floor is made of lava' modeled after a game I'd play when I was little. Move from one side of the room to the other without touching the floor, just using tables, chairs, etc. Unfortunately, the room wasn't ideal for this, because it's really just two big tables and a small gap in between with chairs. They were still able to use the chairs between it. My purpose in the piece was to make the performers more conscious about their surroundings, balance, and planning ahead their movement.

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