Thursday, October 25, 2007

Performance Art

Unlike THE Performing Arts (theater etc), Performance Art deals with the act of performance and the sensations of the person involved. Theater and other similar art forms deal more with the audience and the overall look of the play. Theater is performed for the benefit of the audience and to get across a story and characters. Performance art is not concerned about an audience, as a lot of it is performed without one, nor a plot. It is concerned about the human reaction and sensations involved during the act. What does the performer pay attention to? What things does the performer do on "auto pilot" and take for granted as human behavior (like brushing teeth).

1 comment:

Yehudi said...

This has got to be for school, because I don't know anybody that would post this for their friends to read! LOL! I was just wandering through and I saw your blog here so I thought I'd say hello! It is a great piece, by the way. Well written and organized. Good luck!
L'Shalom, Yehudi